BS5837 Tree Planning
When building a home or building close to trees, local authorities require that a professional tree survey (BS5837) Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction be conducted. The highly qualified arboricultural consultants at Tree Surveys & Reports conduct tree surveys and draft reports in accordance with government stipulations and the requirements of your Tree Officer and local planning department. We can provide you with the following professional reports and services:
BS5837: 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction: This survey is undertaken to identify the quality of trees and the impact of their roots and canopies. It determines whether or not there are trees that could be affected by a planning application, scheduling trees according to their suitability for retention. The aim is to ensure that trees survive any changes to their surroundings, as occurs when new developments are constructed. Trees of all ages and species need to be protected, since their value to the landscape is often incalculable and vulnerable to damage in the construction and demolition process.
Tree Protection Plans: A tree protection plan indicates the specific measures required to protect trees while construction or demolition is taking place on site. The plan also sets out requirements for minimising the potential impact caused to trees, through a variety of measures.
Tree Constraints Plans: A tree constraints plan is a vital step in the design and layout of a site. A good plan can reduce design time, lessen the risk of tree issues impeding the planning application process, accelerate the speed at which issues with trees can be addressed, and more. This type of plan includes the information gathered from topographical surveys, as well as a reliable tree survey. The plan includes information on the root protection area of each tree to ensure trees remain in an optimal state during construction.
Arboricultural Method statements: These reports accompany planning proposals, detailing all the protective measures required for each stage of development. The plans need to be approved by the Local Authority before work commences.
Arboricultural Impact Assessments: These surveys provide written information regarding the impact on trees during development, and highlights the issues which need to be addressed.
Site Monitoring of Construction and Arboricultural Tree Surgery Works: Our highly experienced team can provide onsite services, to ensure that construction and tree surgery work is carried out to the highest standards.
Specialist Arboricultural Advice Regarding Trees and Construction: We are there to help you every step of the way, providing advice on all stages of tree safety during construction and demolition.
Tree Surveying for Local Councils and Highway Authorities: We provide our services to private individuals and government authorities alike, carrying out all tree surveying needs to exacting standards.
Emergency Call out for Tree Failure & Storm Damage: During a storm or other natural disaster, we can quickly fix any issues to do with fallen or damaged trees, ensuring the problem is solved quickly, safely and effectively.
For an initial consultation, please call 01926 870050
“When we needed our BS5837 UK survey completed you were recommended, and for good reasons. Great job!”
— William Jones, Leamington Spa